Business Process Modeling -

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Orbeon Rich Text Editor PDF tip

If you are using Orbeon and create xForms and PDFs outside of form builder and form runner, then this tip might help if you come across a PDF generation error.

When using the rich text editor, tags are placed within your xml text().  when sending this text to xsl-fo, you have to apply-templates which convert the html tags to xsl-fo structure so the formatting can be rendered.  An error that I was encountering is if a person put a double space within the text or between sentences.  The PDF would throw an error upon opening.  After looking at what was being stored in the xml, I noticed:  .  This is what was throwing the error.

To simply correct, when the user exits the rich text editor I called the orbeon event DOMFOcusOut.  I thne used the setvalue to replace the same node with a copy of itself, minus the  .  To do this just use the replace function.  So something like this:

<xforms:setvalue ref="instance('yourinstance')..." value="replace(instance('yourinstance').., '&amp;nbsp;', ''" />

Note that I had to escape the & with &amp;.

That is it. Any questions contact us.

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